Support Staff Collective Agreement Humber

As the backbone of any organization, support staff plays a significant role in ensuring the smooth running of daily operations. They are responsible for a wide range of tasks, from administrative work to providing technical assistance to fellow employees. In recognition of their crucial contributions to the success of any organization, many support staff unions negotiate collective agreements on behalf of their members to ensure fair treatment and compensation.

The Humber Support Staff Union is no exception. The union represents over 1,200 support staff members at Humber College, one of Canada`s leading post-secondary institutions boasting over 30,000 students across three campuses. The union has worked tirelessly to secure better working conditions and wages for its members, and has achieved numerous victories over the years through collective bargaining.

One significant achievement for the Humber Support Staff Union was the signing of a collective agreement in 2018. The agreement, which covered a four-year period, provided Humber College support staff with an increase in compensation each year, as well as enhancements to their benefits and job security.

The agreement also specified the terms and conditions of employment for Humber College support staff. These terms covered topics such as grievance handling and dispute resolution, discipline, job postings and promotions, hours of work, and overtime. The agreement also included provisions for workplace safety and health, ensuring that Humber College support staff have a safe and healthy work environment.

The Humber Support Staff Union`s collective agreement has been a valuable tool for ensuring that support staff members are treated fairly and equitably, and that their voices are heard in the workplace. It has helped to foster a positive and collaborative work environment for support staff, which in turn benefits Humber College as a whole, as happy and satisfied employees are more productive and motivated.

In conclusion, the Humber Support Staff Union`s collective agreement serves as an excellent example of how unions can work together with employers to achieve a common goal – creating a fair and just workplace for all employees. The agreement provides support staff at Humber College with the security and stability they need to perform their jobs effectively, and ensures that their contributions are recognized and valued. It is a testament to the power of collective bargaining and the benefits it can bring to both employees and employers.

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